How you can travel from Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu? You can take a direct flight or travel by sleeper bus or motorbike.

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Flight khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu Bus to lớn Dien Bien Phu FAQ + Travel Tipsicon-ticket Book Tickets + Flight

From Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu you can travel by train, sleeper bus or plane.

Another way of transfer from Hanoi to Dien Bien is to travel by sleeper tourist overnight bus. This option takes a lot of time, but it is the most cheapest way of getting to lớn Dien Bien from Hanoi. Travel time by sleeper bus lớn Dien Bien is about 11-12 hours & bus tickets cost about $15-27/pp. These buses depart from My Dinh Bus Station or Yen Nghia Bus Station in Hanoi. You can use these bus companies khổng lồ Dien Bien: Dũng Ngà, Lê Dũng, Xuân Long.Book và buy e-tickets + flights from Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu online

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How vày I get from Hanoi khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu?

1. DIRECT FLIGHTS from Hanoi khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu

direct flight to lớn Dien Bien Phu from Hanoi is the most comfortable & fast option of transferflight schedule is limited, there are about 2-3 direct flights every day to Dien Bien Phuone-way flight from Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu costs about $30-90/ppairlines from Hanoi khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu: Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airwaysdirect flight from Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu takes only about 1.5 hour
Direct flight khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu from Hanoi is the fastest option of transfer.

2. SLEEPER BUS from Hanoi khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu

from Hanoi to lớn Dien Bien Phu you can also travel by sleeper overnight bustravel by sleeper tourist bus from Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu takes about 10-12 hoursbus ticket from Hanoi khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu costs about $15-27/ppbus companies lớn Dien Bien Phu from Hanoi: Dũng Ngà, Lê Dũng, Xuân Longsleeper overnight bus is the cheapest option how to travel from Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu
From Hanoi to lớn Dien Bien Phu you can also travel by sleeper bus (bus of Xuan Long).

3. Travel on motorbike from Hanoi to lớn Dien Bien Phu

travel on motorbike to lớn Dien Bien Phu from Hanoi is a good idea only for the most experienced driversyou should drive carefully & slowly, IDP in Vietnam is necessary for drivingto rent a motorbike for 1 day in Vietnam costs about $7-30/pp (it depends on the type of bike)travel distance is about 435 km, so it is better to travel about 2 days
Travel on motorbike from Hanoi to lớn Dien Bien Phu is the last way of transfer, IDP for driving is necessary.

icon-info-circle FAQ + TIPS – Travel from Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu:

Transfer by plane – direct flight from Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu takes about 1.5 hour.Transfer by sleeper overnight bus from Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu takes about 11-12 hours.
Dien Bien Phu is a province, located in the North – west of Vietnam. The distance from Hanoi lớn Dien Bien Phu is about 500 km which takes you about 10 hours riding with amazing moutain view on it"s way. Nowadays Dien Bien Phu with Muong Thanh field is becoming a highlight tourist place in Viet nam which attracts many travellers from all over the world. Dien Bien Phu is an amazing place in the North - East of Vietnam. It has wonderful mountain, terraces view as well as rich culture of Ethnic people (Thai , Tay, Dao...). This is a must - see place for those who like to be in an untouristic place.

SCHEDULEPICK UP TIMEARRIVAL TIMEPRICEHANOI khổng lồ DIEN BIEN PHU18.007.0027 USDINFORMATION- Pick up: from hotel in the Old Quarter- Drop off: Bus station in Dien Bien Phu- Duration: 09 hours- Bus type: Sleeping bus

- 18.00: Our guide & car/ taxi picks you up at the khách sạn in the Hanoi Old Quarter then takes 30 minute khổng lồ My Dinh bus station. At the bus station, you get the ticket & get on the big bus. It takes 10 hours lớn Dien Bien city. On the way, we have 1 times for shortbreaks for bathroom. You also can find you some snacks for breakfast there on your own.- 7:00 am: Arrive in Dien Bien Phu (last stop).PRICE: 27 USD/ PERSONIncluded: English speaking guide, car or taxi to bus station in Hanoi, bus ticket khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu.Excluded: Insurance, meals, drinks, tip khổng lồ guide, personal expenses.
Hanoi Oldquarter – My Dinh bus station – Ha Dong district – Hoa Binh city – Mai Chau village – Moc Chau Town – Son La – Dien Bien Phu(last stop).
DIEN BIEN PHU to lớn HANOI20.007.0027 USD
INFORMATION- Pick up: from some hotels in Dien Bien Phuor bus station in
Dien Bien Phu- Drop off: Bus station in Hanoi- Duration: 09 hours- Bus type: Sleeping bus


20.00:We pick you up at your hotel in center of Dien Bien Phu city to Hanoi.7.00 am: Arrive at bus station in Hanoi (last stop).
PRICE: 27 USD/ PERSONIncluded: car or xe taxi pick up from your hotel, bus ticket khổng lồ Hanoi.Excluded: Insurance, meals , drinks, tip to guide, personal expenses. Taxi khổng lồ Hanoi old quarter.
Hotel in Dien Bien Phu- Son La - Moc Chau - Mai Chau –Hoa Binh city – Ha Dong district - My Dinh bus station (last stop). Note: taxi from bus station to lớn Hanoi old quarter around 200.000 vnd/ xe taxi .you should choose these taxi: Thanh Cong Taxi: 043257575, Mai Linh Taxi: 0438333333, Thanh Nga Taxi:0438215215.PRICE FOR CHILDREN:- Children under 4 years old sleep with their parents are free.- Children from 4 years old and up pay same price as adult, have their own beds.
Note:- Our bus stops at Dien Bien Phu city, nearby there are so many hotels we highy recomend Muong Thanh hotel.
Here is the answer that all travellers want lớn know: There are 3 different ways to get lớn Dien Bien Phufrom Hanoi:
You can rent motorbike in any travel agencies in Hanoi lớn slowly driving lớn Dien Bien Phu thành phố then Muong Thanh field & back . For a good quality for mountain roads motorbike, it costs about 8 USD per day which can be for 2 people sit on. You should drive slowly to enjoy landscapes and stop for photos shooting on the way. Therefore you should have a stop overnight somewhere on your way.Note: You should give your passport to agency, read the liên hệ carefully and choose good motobike, furthermore you should kiểm tra careful with their mechanic service conection in case your motobike is broken on the way.!!! Warning: You should be carefully before renting because roads khổng lồ Dien Bien Phu are very dangerous with high passes, uphills way, specially in the dense fog.
You can book and join a tourist bus from companies who organise tours lớn Dien Bien Phu but it really depends on your luck. Because tour from Hanoi to Dien Bien Phu only departure on a fixed day in month. Therefore, sometimes you can book - sometimes you can not. And it can be cancelled in a short advance when they cant collect enough customers khổng lồ make their tour run.
This option seems to lớn be the most convenient one for you if you have a group of at leasts 3 - 4 people join with you. If not, it is kind of very expensive lớn go alone or too small group.
You can take a taxi to lớn My Dinh, Giap Bat, & Yen Nghia bus station to lớn book ticket. Bus timetable is very flexible. Purchasing bus ticket by yourself, it means you have lớn arrange everything you vì by yourself: taxis, liên hệ driver, finding the right bus among hundreds buses in station... It is not very easy when you dont speak the language & local people here don’t speak English too.!!!Warning: - At bus stations, there are many gangster men who are willing to cheat you to get you on a terrible or wrong bus, you have no idea where you are going lớn as you can not communicate to lớn local people. Till you realise it, you are far away from the big city. - There are a lot of buses, neither vì you know them, nor vì chưng they know you. If there is anything happens to lớn your belongings, you have noone to ask for help.- During festivals time in Vietnam (Independence holiday, King ceremony holiday, New Year holiday...), local people often plan their holiday in advance. Bus tickets to lớn Dien Bien Phu mostly fully booked very soon. Therefore it is difficult for you khổng lồ purchase ticket by yourself if you have a narrow plan.

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It is very important lớn have a safe trip. Here are our tips: - You should carry valuable things with you, incase your bags are picked up by other people by chance or by purpose. - Remembering plate number of the bus is always good incase you foget something on bus, we can find it quick và easy for you.- Before leaving the bus, you should check your belongings again & again incase it is picked up by othe passangers on bus before we find out.- At Dien Bien Phu, you can rent motobike khổng lồ discovery everywhere about 10$ per day. If you want lớn carry motobike from Hanoi, we can only carry Honda Wave, Win motorbike, and you have to pay extra: 25$ per motobike.You shouldn"t miss A1 hills , it is one of most famous hill in the North of Vietnam in the French war.
You can visit Dien Bien Phu all year but the best time to lớn visit Dien Bien Phu is in April, May, June, August. Beause this time alot of festival of ethenic peples và season of flower . September, October are also a good season khổng lồ have wonderful view of rice terraces around this area in Muong Thanh field. PROMOTION:- Get discount 5% per person if you book on baigiangdienbien.edu.vn group of 5 people.- Get 10% for next booking of our tickets: